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Sallie Portnoy 

Luminaries 1-3

Sallie Portnoy_Luminaries 1-3

Cast lead Crystal, Sandstone

1:112 x 30 x 25cm; 2: 50 x 45 x 20; 3: 64 x 28 x 20

1: $2900.00: 2: $2000.00 3: $1600.00

Sallie Portnoy is a prolific interdisciplinary artist working in glass, clay, metals, and mixed media. Her background in ceramics informs her work in glass, which has earned recognition and representation internationally in private and permanent collections. Portnoy studied ceramics at university of Manitoba and NSCAD in Canada and graduated from Cofa (BA ceramics) and SCA, Sydney University (MSA glass). Portnoy has had numerous solo exhibitions and exhibits regularly in outdoor public art shows. She has been the recipient of several major awards and public art commissions both in the private sector and by various community councils. She has taught workshops in Australia, Canada, Turkey, and in U.S. at Corning Museum of Glass, Urban Glass NY and Pilchuck, Seattle. and lives, works and teaches on the northern beaches of Sydney, from her Gspot Glass studio.

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